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Focusing on April

As March and the first quarter of the year come to a close, I keep thinking about “what’s next.” But I’m not sure why. Back in February I mentioned a goal that I had in April: running at least one mile every day in the month. While another “big” race would be nice, I can’t afford to pop out $75 or more to run another half marathon right now. My fitness is there to do it and my mind is too, but it’s important that I shift my focus to this bigger personal goal of mine.

Ideally I’d like to have as few 1-mile days as possible — maybe a couple a week to serve as “rest” days. Otherwise, I want it to be running as normal. Just more often. To keep with my goal of running 1,000 miles for the year, I’d like to get at or above the monthly pace of 83.3 miles to stay ahead of things.

On paper it looks and sounds easy; pulling it off, though, is the challenge I have yet to face. Along the way I do plan to run a 5k, so my desire to race will still be met. But this will be like a month-long race and the opponent is me and proving to myself that this can be done.

  1. March 29, 2010 at 9:04 pm

    You’ll do that 1000 miles easily!

  2. MOM
    March 31, 2010 at 1:39 pm


  3. March 31, 2010 at 5:00 pm

    1000 miles is a big goal… however, I am sure you will reach it without a problem.

    I have been having a problem keeping going over the last month or so… just kinda seemed burned out. So, I decided to register for a 1/2 in June. Started training and about a week into it was diagnosed with a stress fracture in my tibia.

    I was really looking forward to this race and now, not only can I not run, but I am out my 75.00 fee. SUX!!

    But, more than that… I am really not sure what I am going to do now to stay motivated. I can’t run, which is what I like best. HELP!!! ANYBODY!!

    Thanks!!! I enjoy your blog!


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